What Do You Have In Your Hand? If you are planning to start your own company, or if you have just started your own company, or if you are thinking about the possibility of employing yourself as an entrepreneur, Neba is for you!
The NEBA business start up training program “What Do You Have In Your Hand?” encourages people to discover the possibilities they have for employing themselves. During the courses the participants will learn the skills they need in order to start and run a business. Even if you are just interested in the topic but don’t yet have any plans for starting your business, you can learn a lot by taking the course – this way you will be better informed for future decisions!
The NEBA online training suits everyone and it is available to anyone having an Internet connection. We want to help people to be self-employed and learn how to start a business with the resources and skills they already have.
The NEBA online training is a compact and practical way to learn the basics of entrepreneurship.Our training is based on a wide experience on entrepreneurship and we have put everything on a nutshell for you. Among other things, you will get to know the 3 key elements (success factors) of a new company and the 10 most common reasons why people fail – and how to avoid failing. You will be encouraged to ask yourself the most important questions before you start your own business, and you will also learn from other people’s experiences (real life case studies).