The NEBA Career Guidance is designed for people who want to find new opportunities in working life.
We offer effective career planning process and outplacement services. Our Keys To New Career program helps the participants to find a profession and workplace suitable for them. The program is based on modern scientific theories of career guidance and on our strong practical experience in the field.
The NEBA Career Guidance program can be flexibly tailored according to the needs of clients. The studying methods can be face to face studying, online studying or blended learning.
Tens of thousands of people have attended our Career Planning Programs since 1995. We have organized and developed our career planning programs in co-operation with the Ministry of Employment and Economy and with the Public Employment and Business Services in Finland.
Module 1. Orientation to career planning
- Assessing one´s personal needs in career guidance
- Most important factors affecting the choice of career
- Development stages in career choice in adulthood
- Personal consultation and starting to build a career plan
Module 2. Practical ways to make a good career choice
- Enriching elements to one´s work
- Taking up a new job or changing working tasks inside of one´s current area of profession
- Changing one’s profession by utilizing the skills and the competence one already has
- Choosing a career that requires new kind of competence
Module 3. New career management skills
- Concern, control, curiosity, confidence, commitment
- Self-assessment and development plan for career management skills
Module 4. Working in the process of career choice and planning
- The process pyramid of career choice and planning
- Model of decision making in career choice and planning
Module 5. Self-knowledge in career planning
- John Holland Career Types assessment
- Assessing interests, strengths, personality traits, talents etc.
- Assessing and developing vocational skills and competencies
- Assessing and developing key qualifications and sub-skills
Module 6. Career and working possibilities in one´s own society
- Getting to know different professions and work possibilities in society
- Matching one’s competence and skills to work opportunities
- Completing and writing realistic career plan as a result of career guidance process
- Starting to implement the plan
Module 7. The most effective ways of marketing one’s competence
- Writing a competitive CV
- Designing personal marketing profile: video CV, LinkedIn and other social media tools, Internet portfolio, marketing brochures
- Designing and executing a marketing campaign for oneself
Module 8. Success factors in job interview situations
- Successful verbal and nonverbal communication in job interview situations
- Simulating job interview situations and reflecting real job interviews
Contact information for NEBA Career Guidance:
Mrs. Anne Suonpää, M.Sc. (Educ.)
Director of Training Services
Cimson Ltd / NEBA
+358 40 5231464